We have had a rather unsettled June as the rain we might have expected in April or May has finally arrived. But between the showers TV actor Jim Murray took wife Sarah Parish (Mistresses, Cutting It etc) on a birthday balloon flight that she will never forget. "I have seen the Happy Birthday Balloon flying over our house so decided that was the one for us" said Jim. "With the weather and our acting schedules it has taken a few attempts to get flown but it was really worth it. We could never have expected to have met the surgeon who delivered our baby daughter on the flight but according to our pilot that is a typical bit of ballooning happenstance".
"I have had a balloon ride before in Morocco where it was much warmer but the landscape is very brown" said Sarah. "England is so green from the air, especially after the rain that came in early June. The whole trip was fabulous and I had great fun with the other passengers getting the balloon away in the bag while Jim went off with a radio to check out the route in to the balloon landing site for the recovery vehicle. We got a little wet under a small shower as the last of the balloon went in the bag before the champagne was served but even that could not spoil it".